Making Allergy Safe and Organic Mama + Baby Care Products for you + yours!
Thank you so much for stopping by! My name is Courtney Jane and I make these beautiful, organic baby products in our kitchen at home. I make them while my two boys and daughter, Elijah Thunder (6) Tytan (4) and Violet (2) run around at my feet. They are the reason I became passionate about creating safe, all-natural baby products that mothers can enjoy too!

Being anaphylactic to soy myself, I have always found it hard, if not impossible, to find safe, allergy-free products. On top of that, when Tytan was born he had 20 different allergies! As you can imagine, everything we ate or used had to be made from scratch and only from the best, most pure ingredients. (Praise Jesus when he turned 1 he outgrew all his allergies!)